PET(4)-05-11 Paper 16a


P-03-318 Cross-border maternity services

Petition wording

We, the undersigned, note the proposal to move the consultant-led maternity unit, neonatal intensive care unit and child inpatient unit from the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) to the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) at Telford.

We believe this would cause a great deal of hardship and stress for patients and their families travelling from Montgomeryshire. It would add an extra twenty minutes onto a journey which is already fifty minutes at best and ambulance response times will inevitably be significantly increased.

It is vital that these proposals are not considered in isolation to proposals in Wales and that the Welsh Government adopts a strategic approach to cross border health issues, to ensure that the needs of patients from Mid Wales are fully represented in any proposals at catchment hospitals.

We therefore call on the National Assembly to urge the Welsh Government to fully engage in the ‘Keeping it in the County’ consultation process, to ensure that patients from Mid Wales are not disadvantaged by any changes.

Link to petition:

Petition raised by: Mrs Helen Jervis

Number of signatures: 164